As we get settled in to our new home in Texas, one thing has become abundantly clear. The house is considerably smaller than the California house. To this end, I have begun a few projects to rectify the problem of lack of storage. One, was to build a shelf unit for the bedroom closet It is a small, walk in with two clothes poles on either side. The new shelf adds room for shoes and extra clothes. It really cleaned up the clutter. Next was the laundry room. I started a linen closet/laundry hamper/refrigerator unit yesterday. I still have the face frames and doors to build but the main shelf carcass is up and installed. The fridge will go in the center, of course. The lower left will be a pull out hamper and the rest will serve as linen storage. This is a spare refrigerator, not the main one that's in the kitchen now. It seem odd that two people would want, or need, two refrigerators but we filled ours to capacity many times. I tend to over cook, so we always have tons of leftovers. Also, the ice maker cannot keep up with us during the summer, so two ice makers and the extra freezer to keep lots of ice stored